Upgrade Requirements

These instructions are applicable to SNS 4.9 or greater; if you are upgrading from a version below 4.9 please contact Sycle Customer Experience for assistance

Ensure that the following requirements are met before you proceed with the upgrade. You may require assistance from your system administrator or IT department.

  • The upgrade will take 10–30 minutes depending on your PC and configuration; SNS cannot be used during the upgrade
  • If you have any third-party Noah modules installed, you have consulted your module manufacturers and confirmed that those modules are compatible with the version of Noah incorporated in the SNS upgrade.
  • You have confirmed that you are upgrading using a tested upgrade path [1].
  • Your PC is running one of the operating systems supported by SNS and Noah System 4.
    • Windows 11 – Excluding Windows 11 on Arm and Insider Preview builds.
    • Windows 10 – Excluding Long Term Service Channel/Branch (LTSC/LTSB) releases, Windows 10 Mobile OS, Windows 10 in S mode, Windows 10 on Arm, and Insider Preview builds.
    • Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 – Excluding Windows Server Core and Nano Server.
  • Your PC meets the other minimum system requirements for Noah System 4 [2] .
  • Your Windows operating system has the latest Windows Updates and Service Packs applied.
  • You know the administrator username and password for your PC. The installer must be run as an administrator account [3] .
  • You, your system administrator, or your IT department are aware of any non-Microsoft antivirus programs or firewalls installed on your PC and are able to disable them for the duration of the installation process.
  • (If applicable) Your system administrator or IT department are aware of the upgrade timeline and are available to offer assistance.

[1] You can review HIMSA’s suggested upgrade path in the Upgrade Path for Unsupported Noah System Versions article, available on www.himsa.com.

[2] These requirements are listed in the Minimum system requirements for Noah System 4 article on http://www.himsa.com .

[3] The Administrator account must be set up with a valid password. Running the installer with an Administrator account without a password will fail.


Once the zip file has downloaded, you will need to extract the files in order to run the installer.


Review the documentation prior to upgrading. Your Noah settings must be updated through the step-by-step instructions or you are at risk of losing your configuration.

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